Monday, January 2, 2012

Chatoe Rogue: Single Malt

Chatoe Rogue is the name if Rogue brewing's new line of GYO certified first growth ales made with hops and badly grown on their own hop yard and barley bench out in Portland Oregon. This beer is made with Rogue's special Dare malt and Revolution hops. I like this idea, you grow the hops, you grow the barley, you control the yeast (Rogue has been cultivating their famous Pacman yeast for quite a while now) as well as every step in the brewing process. Every part of the process in under your control, if there is a delay there is no one to pass the buck to and you have the benefit of being able to ensure your product lives up to your standards from start to finish.

On to the beer itself. Single malt is a very simple beer one kind of malt one kind of hops. The flavor is light and crisp with plenty of citrus and and a tad grassy. This reminds me a bit of a saison or farmhouse in a way. I'd love to drink this on a nice hot day sitting on the porch after a hard day of work.

Schneider Aventinus

This weekend I went out and picked up some beer for my girlfriend and I for the new year, sadly they did not last that long. I got myself a Chatoe Rogue Single Malt and my girlfriend her favorite a Schneider Aventinus. When we first started dating she kept searching for this beer everywhere we went. She had been drinking it while she lived in Ohio and couldn't find it now that she had moved back to PA. We had finally found it at the Market District in Robinson and she was thrilled We quickly ran back to my apartment and cracked the bottle open. We poured it out into a nice tall pilsner glass. It was a nice dark slightly creamy brown with a light creme head on it. The smell was was not terribly strong but some nice hints of banana and raisin. The flavor mimicked the smell quite a bit, reminded me of a good banana bread a little spicy with raisin and clove.

Next up the Chatoe Rogue Single Malt.